Sweet Pea
I must say, as always (& I don't mind sounding like a broken record one bit), I am in complete & utter awe of you. We all have "shtuff" going on....and then I get into this foolish mood of feeling entitled, like the Universe owes me something for my being here, & I start feeling sorry for my foolish self....BUT then I start thinking of you, Evie, and Adrienne (my friend who recently passed away after a horrific injury in a muay-thai fight) and look at all of the things you have and are going through so much unnecessary and undeserving "shtuff"....how pity and foolish am I to allow my ego to even show its face....I am truly looking up to you guys and witnessing the fight you have put up....it's beyond awe-inspiring, sister!!!

Last time that we spent girly time together, I enjoyed it soooo much, but I just want to listen, learn, and follow your example....I mean, what a honor to be able to be a part in such a magnificent healing journey that you have so bravely ventured on.

Love you more than words....sending you all the love & light in this world to lead you down your path!
Sweet Pea
I received this note and it has served me as a great source of inspiration over the last few days as I am about to take Part 1 of my National Boards of Chiropractic Examiners exam, which I have been heavily preparing for several months. I am at a point of serious exhaustion, but I just keep thinking of the end result. I hope you can also find some inspiring words here as well....and if not, I hope you find your sources in the most rewarding places. I'm sending out my love and positive energy into the Universe and everyone around me.....and looking for the Universe to help lead me on my journey to where I need to be. Namaste!

The slate's been wiped clean, the past has released its grip, and before you sparkles eternity, yearning for direction. Only one condition, prerequisite, principle that matters between you and the life of your dreams.

It's not love, God, fate, luck, karma; not complicated or esoteric, and you needn't sacrifice, plead, or pray to invoke it. With its existence, the power, the light, and the way are revealed. It's your purpose to discover it, and it's your destiny to master it. The be-all and end-all of every wish, desire, and dream, and you are its keeper.

This caveat of all caveats is that absolutely nothing can be anything until it is first imagined. Thoughts become things, nothing else does. It's the thoughts you choose from here on out that will become the things and events of your life, forevermore. It is written in stone. There's no other way. Your passport to your wildest dreams, abundance, health, and friendships.

Your thoughts, and your thoughts alone, will set you in motion. Your thoughts will yield the inspiration, creativity, and determination you need. Your thoughts will orchestrate the magic and inspire the Universe. Your thoughts will carry you to the finish line if you just keep thinking them. Never give up. Never waiver, doubt, or ask.


The hardest work has been done. The wars have already been waged. The lessons have already been learned. The journey, now, is for home.

You're so deserving. You're ready. It's all that lies between you and the life of your dreams.

Sweet Pea

This past week has been one of reflection on many levels.......Mentally and emotionally, it's been exhausting due to the new schedule at school with incorporating clinic and a regular class schedule into my regimen, on top of that my regular yoga classes each night. Needless to say, I've felt overwhelmed.....which didn't take much to get me to tears; some of it from frustration, tiredness, hunger, or some combo of all the three combined. Surprisingly enough, I've actually gotten close to 7 hours of sleep each night, done well in clinic with my overall performance, been dressed-up and looking like a grown-up every day of the week (which me or anyone else is not used to AT ALL!)....go figure!

My reflections this week came as a result of the magnificant people that I have the priviledge of having in my life. One of those spectacular people is my Evie....she is incredible and one of the main reasons why I even started this blog thingy....she has been battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma for last 4 months and now is cancer-free after her last PET scan. She will continue her remaining treatments to ensure every last bit of it is gone for good. During her victorious battle, I've been following her blog in an attempt to understand her struggle, but what I truly learned had nothing to do with her cancer.....what I learned is what an amazingly strong and persistent human being she is. Her strength and beauty of her soul resonates on such a level that you cannot have any other response than to be in complete and utter awe of her. She is breath-takingly beautiful inside and out.....she set such an example for the rest of us to be the least bit lucky to follow in her steps. Evie resolved to beat this monster that poorly decided to take her body hostage and she did everything in her power to fight it to its last breath.....and she did. Monster 0 - Evie 1! She changed her life substantially, made sacrifices, but she took charge of her health and her life and refused to take No for an answer. This is definitely a great story of perseverence! I read a quote by Leonardo da Vinci and it automatically made me think of Evie: "Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind." All of my love and light goes out to Evie and her wonderful husband [my "big brother"] Michael!

Another way I counted my lucky stars this week was through my relationship with my friend Robin. She is a little firecracker, one of my classmate, and my yoga teacher. We've definitely grown to become great friends over the last couple of years and it's certainly been a relationship of learning. Robin has helped me grow in my yoga practice in a big way, which has in turn helped me grow on a more spiritual level as well. But she also made me realize some things about myself that I never allowed myself to open up to. She's fearless, creative, expressive, outspoken, and does not take anyone's bullshit (not even her own!). It's such a blessing to be surrounded by such strong beautiful women, who set great examples in their own way!

My best friend Nang stands on yet another part of the spectrum from Robin. She is more reserved, shy, soft-spoken, yet fearless and awe-inspiring in her own right. We have been friends for over 11 years, one of my oldest friends EVER. We have been through quite a few things together, and at this point in life, we are more like sisters than friends. She probably does not even realize how much I admire her and look up to her. She is incredibly smart....certainly one of the cutest dorkiest girls ever! But in her quiet way, we've grown so much closer. Last night, we went to the High Museum of Art to experience the wonderment of Leonardo da Vinci: The Hand of Genius together. We roam the halls around his miniature works of art, completely mesmerized by the genius much ahead of his time. Nang and I spent the time chatting about everything under the sun, from the most insignificant [choice of camera settings] to the most life-changing [her moving to Savannah] decisions. Even after hours together and countless different topics of conversation, at the end of the day, we still have so much to say to each other. I just love that about us!

When it comes down to women in my life, it would be a mute point to talk about anyone else without mentioning my Aunt. She is who I want to be when I grow up, if she ever decides to grow up. She's amazing! I've learned so much from her over the years that there is not enough space or time to say it. She is my anchor and my beacon! She is open and honest, she speaks her truth, she lives her life unapologetic, she is her own person and she makes no qualms about it! I strive every day to be just like that, but in my own light! It's a well-known fact that she has been a major influence in my life.....from our similarly curly hair to our unapologetic lifestyle choices. Probably the most important lesson that I've taken from her is that you have to be true to yourself and live your life for yourself, regardless of who disagrees with you. I'm still very much a work in progress, but I've been taking good notes! Te amo tanto, stella mia!

"I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection....they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death." --Leonardo da Vinci

Sweet Pea

My head is reeling......I cannot seem to be able to quiet it down today....I feel my blood making the trecherous course through my veins without any intention of slowing down.....my pulse keep its accelerated tempo, as if I just consumed too much caffeine on an empty stomach....I am yearning for the calm before the storm, but the tempest shows no evidence of succumbing to my will....

The unexpected seems to have the tendency to throw you off-course, taking the anticipation completely out of the equation....maybe the element of surprise was, dare I say it, too surprising, catching me off-guard, unprepared.....my reflexes did not possess the abilty to respond fast enough....just like getting caught in a torrential downpour without anything preventing the exposure to the elements....

I feel like I'm stuck inside of John Mayer's song lyrics....."I'm just about to set fire to everything I see....I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe.....there I said it...I'm scared you'll forget about me....so young & full of running...all the way to the edge of desire....steady my breathing, silently screaming....I have to have you now"....

Ahhhh....now off to reading, getting back to the center, wiggling my roots back to the Mother Earth, letting go of the dreary, misty fogginess of the mind, and just being present....all else will follow in its own imperfect way perfectly.....optimistic & cuddled....loving & loved....open arms with an open heart....
--The image courtesy of Fire Arts Collective.
Sweet Pea
Yes, I am fully aware that I should be studying, but it's difficult to concentrate....I have promised to start back up in a few minutes once I finish this entry.

My Grandma passed away yesterday at 10:25 am (European time). Her name is Mara and she was 78 years old. She has two beautiful daughters, one of them being my mom. She has two granddaughters, my sister and I. Grandma was diagnosed with stomach cancer in beginning of July and this journey for her was a short and difficult one. The most important part is that she is no longer suffering or in pain. This was quite an emotional roller-coaster for my family....this is one of those events in life that no one prepares you for nor is it even possible to do so.

Grandma is gone, but she has left a valuable lesson that we would be foolish to disregard. She was a strong woman, in all possible ways considered. She was of strong will, character, and body, which she showed into her devistatingly progressing disease. Grandma was tough!!!! anyone that knew her was well aware of that! But she was also gentle and loving.

I recall close to 80% of my childhood memories that are tied to her and some experience by her side. That woman loved and cared about many people...and I feel special to have been one of those in her life. I was her first grandbaby....she was in Germany at the time, but once she knew that I was getting ready to get out, she hit the road running. She was there to take be home from the hopsital a couple of days later....she was there from the beginning! Now she already saw me as her Doctor of Chiropractic. She trusted her body into my hands, even when I was first learning to start adjusting, she let me practice. I was afraid....she was petite and I tried to be so gentle with her, but she was tough!!! And I helped ease some of her aches and pains. That was incredible! She already saw me as a Doctor that I am aiming to be 2 years from now. And I promise to keep my end of the deal to get there in her honor! I want her to be proud; even though, I know that she already is. Thank you for believing in me, when I wasn't quite sure that I did!

There are so many memories....all of them special in their own right....summers at the beach, sledding, playing in the garden, picking cherries, chucking corn, sleepless nights watching TV, singing, dancing, etc. It's wonderful to have all of these to look back on. She was one special lady, such an inspiration, such a teacher and a student. Over the last few days, I've been trying to figure out how come I don't look like her, but then I dug up a picture from 8 summers ago, and I finially realized it....I've got her hair, her chin, her boobs, and her heart!!!! Thanks, Grandma (Pete definitely agrees)!!!! :-)

So, I will continue to honor & remember my wonderful Grandma, who set an incredible example of a strong woman...thank you for everything you gave us! I know you are watching over us! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!

P.S. I am particularly grateful for all of the awesome people in my life who have show their support and love over the last few weeks, and especially over the last few days, with everything they have said and done for me and my family! Just another way to celebrate Grandma! Special thanks to my one and only Pete and Jake, Scott & Elizabeth, Eve & Mike, Laura & Matt, Dede, Dr. Jeff & Laura, William, Steve, Robin, Joe, Erika, Brent, and many others! I love you all!!!!
Sweet Pea
I joined the blogging community in support for one of my dearest friends, Eve. She is one of the sweetest people I have ever met....beautiful soul whose energy radiates to all of those who are blessed with her presence. Eve is beginning a journey that will be difficult, to say the least, but she has all the love and support around her....from her soon-to-be husband (my "big brother") her family, and her friends (that's where I come in!).

So, Eve, we are all standing right next to you with our arms outstretched for whatever you need from us! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!